Friday, November 14, 2008
An Update for Movie Buffs
But alas, 30 Days of Night will now have a sequel!!!! According to the Internet Movie Database ... a (likely direct to dvd) sequel is in the works ...
I wonder if they'll consider getting rid of the mountains this time around?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Back to Barrow!!!
1.) The big news is that we'll be going BACK TO BARROW! We'll be participating in an upcoming atmospheric chemistry measurement campaign called OASIS. (see: This time it will just be me and graduate student Alexis Torres. We'll be in the field from February 15 to April 15, 2009. Look out Barrow, here we come!
2.) I think we've all finally acclimated to being back in the lower 48. Ian is working through the analysis of all our air/snow/ice samples and things are working well. Ali is in her senior year and classes and research are keeping her busy. Glenn is back to lab photochemistry experiments and trying to identify the products we found during experiments in Barrow. Bill is working on high school curriculum development centered around environmental chemistry. And me, well, I've got my nose in all of it. But honestly, I think they just keep me around to sign the purchase orders. :)
As planning advances and more exciting things happen as we prepare for the OASIS campaign, we'll be adding new blog entries, pics, etc. Please keep coming back to visit, and feel free to leave comments and send the link to our blog to friends/family/colleagues.
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Eagle Has Landed...
The time zone and climate adjustments are going to take some time. I'm finding the warm temps that others feel are "comfortable" to be swealtering. I almost stuck my head in the freezer last night to cool off, but decided against that since I'd waste so much energy keeping the door open. If only I owned a chest freezer I could just crawl into from time to time ... :o)
I am, however, enjoying the dark nights and other unique aspects of being home ... like fire flies and thunderstorms. The photo below shows the dark outline of the trees lining my street and a few blurry street and driveway lights ... what many take for granted on a daily basis (i.e. sunsets) I now hold in very high regard!
Our equipment is on its way back to us now ... as are the samples that we'll be busily processing for the rest of the summer and into the fall. We'll post updates as exciting (and not so exciting) things happen. The first order of business is to get everyone safely back to PA after their well deserved post-fieldwork vacations.
Friday, June 27, 2008
The Eagle has Left the Nest ...
Wednesday night we celebrated my final night in Barrow with dinner (and dessert) at Brower's Cafe. There is a painting of a polar bear in the restaurant, so we decided that we'd have to face the fact that the painting would be the closest we'd get to a photo op of a polar bear. So we took a few shots with our "stand in" polar bear on Wednesday night.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
And Then There Were Three...
Today we took our 1100 pounds of equipment to Northern Air Cargo for shipment back to our lab at Villanova. We also returned the gas cylinders we've been using while in Barrow. We had these shipped to Barrow from Anchorage and of course, they had to be returned. We ended up completely overestimating how much gas we'd need, so many of the cylinders were returned still full of helium or nitrogen. Oh well, it is better to have more than you need than to run out in the middle of your work! Our poor F250 had to take on the 2200 lb load for the trip to the airport. Thank heavens it has a good suspension ... even so, the drive into town was taken slow and easy. It was quite the "low rider" excursion (as you can see from the pic below).
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Greetings from Beaker!!!

Along with the more mundane lab work, the group has had numerous opportunities to get out in the field for sampling. Snowmachining and ATV-ing around Barrow was always fun, especially when Ali would come back with stories of upsetting her snowmachine multiple times in one trip.

Dining out was also a highlight of the stay. Who knew you could get such yummy Mexican food this far north of the border? The Thai restaurant was also a hit, more for the hilarious wait-staff than the food (although the food certainly was good). Osaka had great sushi and other tasty menu items as well. It was always fun to hear Glenn’s point of view on the food offerings – he’s experienced first hand a number of foreign cuisines and was always full of insight regarding food preparation and presentation.
The Barrow night life was quite an experience. (Although can you really call it night life when the sun doesn’t go down? Shouldn’t it be light life? ... just a thought). Anyway – the Friday night dances were a hoot … man, who ever said science geeks can’t dance? Once they got over the initial fear of being the only people on the dance floor, it really was quite fun to see them out there gyrating around. I never imagined Dr. G could bend that way (and to be honest, maybe she shouldn’t)! When the Barrow entertainment offerings weren’t sufficient, the group often organized their own entertainment. Countless movie nights filled the past few months. Several Rock Band get-togethers were also on the schedule. And let’s not even talk about charades and Pictionary games … yikes! Talk about the competitive spirit … they would make Bobby Knight proud!
I have to give final props to BASC (the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium). The logistics staff was just amazing – always meeting the group’s needs and going above and beyond to help them get their work done. Last minute requests were never a problem (whereas I would have probably looked at the Grannas group with that “you’ve got to be kidding!” look). The spirit of “nothing is impossible” was pervasive … and honestly, it ended up true. (Who knew a stand-in vacuum system could be found in a matter of an hour when the building’s vacuum pumps died).
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Happy Nalukataq
After the food was distributed, the blanket toss began. A "blanket" made of seal (or walrus) skins is used as a trampoline. People stand around the edges of the blanket and move it up and down in unison - this is what gives the blanket its "spring". Everyone is invited to take a turn if they'd like getting tossed (sometimes VERY high) in the air. Some jumpers throw out candy to the eager kids (and adults) waiting for some sweet goodies below. Ali and Glenn both took a turn on the blanket, as well as a number of other BASC researchers. Luckily, all survived the toss without any broken bones or other long-term injuries!
After the blanket toss, we headed to the Arctic Ocean coast for a "Polar Plunge". Ali, Ian and a few other brave BASC researchers (Tony, Barry and Romain) took the plunge into the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean. Luckily, no one had heart failure upon entering and no one ended up with hypothermia from the swim. I passed on this experience, as I've already done my fair share of Polar Rolls (rolling around nearly naked in the snow at -40F) and Polar Plunges ... and Glenn decided he also wanted to keep to the warmer, drier climes of solid ground. We were, however, the official photographers and "warmer uppers" for the swimmers when they exited the water. What we didn't realize was that we wouldn't be the ONLY photographers. As the plungers got ready for their swim a passing vehicle decided to stop to watch the fun. This caught the attention of a few other passersby (including the 15 passenger van used by "Northern Tundra Tours" to take tourists around to local sights). Apparently, we ended up on their tour ... as the entire van emptied and the tourists took pictures of the group doing their plunge. Ironic - the tourists come to Barrow to see the local sights and end up taking pictures of tourists doing the polar plunge. But, we were happy to be the entertainment, if only for a few minutes. Blankets, towels and dry changes of clothes were quickly made ready when the plungers decided to exit the frigid water (to the cheers and hoots of the adoring audience). Everyone was glad they did the plunge ... or at least no one voiced their regrets out loud!
So now that the first Nalukataq of the summer is past, we must unfortunately start thinking about packing up our lab and instruments for the journey back to Villanova. The goal is to have our boxes and crates to the Northern Air Cargo facility at the airport by Wednesday. So, we still have a few days to get ourselves packed and ready to head back to the lower 48. We managed to get everything up here in one piece - so let's hope we can maintain the same record for the trip home!
Friday, June 13, 2008
San Francisco Exploratorium
Both Glenn and I were interviewed, with a webcast sent back live to the Exploratorium. You can view our webcasts by visiting:
Go to the area marked "Recent Programs" on the right. You'll find Glenn's interview under the title of "Snow Chemistry" (date: 6/6/2008) and my interview under the title of "Impact of Pollutants on Snow and Ice" (date: 6/13/2008).
Although my presentation was on Friday the 13th, no misfortunes came about during the webcast. (Whew!)
Monday, June 9, 2008
From the Great (not so white) North...
On Thursday (6-5-08), Ian and Ali once again travelled to Point Barrow via ATV to collect snow, ice and meltwater samples. While they were collecting the samples, I managed to process several of our previous samples and then proceeded with the tedious task of cleaning the buckets to ready them for their next use. It took them most of the afternoon to finish sampling, but their hard work was rewarded with a trip to Brower's Cafe for dinner that evening. Located right along the Arctic Ocean coast, Brower's offers good food and a great view for one's dining pleasure. Ali and I shared an ice cream sundae for dessert - a fitting end to a long day of work.
On Friday (6-6-08), Ian and I completed a depth profile of the snow behind the BARC lab building. Previously, these profiles consisted of collecting snow at various depths from the surface down to the tundra. Now, there is a several-inch-thick layer of meltwater under the snowpack (which we now are also collecting for analysis). We're interested in finding out how the pollutants move through the snowpack when it begins to warm and melt. In all, we collected eight 5-gallon buckets of snow and/or water. Ian was kind enough to carry the two heavier water-filled buckets through the snow, up over the snowbank and to our lab. I made the trek with the six slightly lighter snow-filled buckets across the deep slushy snow (which you occassionally sink through up to your hips) to the snow bank ... then Ian carried those over the snowbank to the back door of the building and we hauled them inside from there. It seems like slightly less work when you can "break up" the trip so to speak ... but it still is quite the workout to haul around the buckets, all the time sinking into and stumbling through the slushy, uncooperative snow.
Friday evening I had the opportunity to help the ABC Crew prepare for their upcoming Nalukataq, or spring whaling, festival. The ABC Crew successfully brought in a whale this season and on June 21 will celebrate and share their catch with the community. This means sharing their bounty with the entire community of Barrow. They will prepare a variety of foods ... from whale to geese to caribou ... but it all must be prepared ahead of time, considering the large quantity of food that needs to be ready. We prepared 27 geese within a few hours on Friday evening. It is not a job for the faint of heart (or those with a queasy stomach), as you might be able to tell from the photos below.

Saturday (6-7-08) was a lighter day in terms of our work load. We gave a talk about our research at the Schoolyard Saturday presentation. This is an educational outreach activity organized by BASC that is aimed at sharing research activities and findings with the community. We had quite a large turn out and those in attendance seemed genuinely interested in the topic and asked a number of insightful questions. It is always refreshing when you can talk about your work and not put an entire audience to sleep!
Saturday evening we joined some fellow BASC researchers for a bar-b-que and enjoyed grilled chicken, burgers and hot dogs. A hilarious game of charades followed (honestly, how does one act out "Gerald Ford"???). Around 9 pm, the crowd dispersed to either a.) return to BARC to do work (poor Ian, Glenn and Ali!) or b.) attend a bonfire in town (those rowdy archaeologists!).
On Sunday afternoon (6-8-08) we trekked out to the BEO to do air sampler maintenance and also to collect snow and meltwater samples. This was quite the workout for us, as we can no longer snowmachine on the tundra. We walked several miles (both in and out again) to do the sample collection, getting five 5-gallon buckets of snow/water. (This corresponds to over 200 pounds in case you were curious). We made good use of a plastic sled to help us in the hauling process and we each took turns playing "mule" to get the samples back from the BEO to the truck. Luckily, we enlisted the help of another researcher (one of those aforementioned archaeologists), so we were able to spread out the workload a little more. In addition to the extra help, we had an extra smiling face to make the trip more enjoyable. Sheila is always good for a few laughs (especially when she chases and CATCHES lemmings) ... and many thanks to her for volunteering to help!!! The photo below shows Sheila with one of her catches of the day ... the brown furry hamster-looking thing in her hands would be a lemming (which she named "Scribbles").
Because we spent all afternoon on the BEO, we didn't make it back in time to catch dinner at the college cafeteria. Also, because Sunday was Glenn's birthday, we decided to celebrate with dinner in town. Glenn chose the Arctic Thai restaurant and we enjoyed a variety of dishes. He was also surprised with a huge ice cream dessert (and enough spoons for all of us to share!) in honor of his birthday. The owners were quite gracious in helping us celebrate Glenn's birthday in style.
We have a lot more sampling planned for the upcoming week, so stay tuned for further updates from the great (now not so white) north.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Dear Glenn,
Happy Birthday to You!
Sunday, June 8 is Glenn's birthday ... Best wishes to Glenn for a happy birthday!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Arctic Blast
My first two weeks of arctic adventures have been remarkable! The journey began on Tuesday, May 20, 2008: Dr. Grannas and I travelled from Washington D.C. to Anchorage. On May 21, we completed our cross-country expedition to Barrow. After joining our fellow Villanovans in the NARL Hotel (Naval Arctic Research Laboratory Hotel), we familiarized ourselves with the small town of Barrow. Our accommodations in the “hotel” are wonderfully spacious and clean. However, it took several days to become accustomed to the midnight sun through the bedroom curtains.
Our experiments have kept us all tremendously busy! I have had several opportunities to venture onto the BEO (Barrow Environmental Observatory) with Ian, Dr. Grannas, and Glenn (Dr. Rowland) via snowmobile to collect snowmelt water and snow samples and also to replace the air filters within our high volume air sampler in the field. We managed to spot some beautiful Snowy Owls on the tundra. We also performed depth profiles within the snowpack to analyze POPs (persistent organic pollutants) in the snow, also via XAD extraction. All the snow and water samples were collected in (heavy) buckets, lined with Teflon.
I also travelled via snowmobile with researcher Tom Douglas and his student Romain to their SnowNET site on the BEO to help obtain snow depth and temperature measurements, and also to collect snowmelt samples. Although the expeditions were generally enjoyable, I somehow managed to tip my snowmobile – twice – on the tundra. In a ridiculous turn of events, I also became stranded for a short period of time upon a snow machine I could not start. Not to worry, though. I returned to our laboratory in BASC (Barrow Arctic Science Consortium) with a hilarious story.
On another day, Ian and I traversed to Point Barrow (the northernmost point in the United States) via ATV to collect snow and snowmelt water samples. We were accompanied by a “bear guard” to protect us from potential polar bear attacks. The drive was incredibly bouncy on the four-wheelers and it was difficult to navigate the terrain. However, the trip proved to be amusing and successful.
Today, Ian and I walked across approximately 2 miles of the BEO tundra on foot, since the snow conditions were somewhat treacherous for the snow machines. We watched attentively for polar bears and rabid foxes, and thankfully spotted neither. We did catch sight of some cute little lemmings and a variety of bird species.
While in Barrow, I have also completed several photochemistry experiments with Glenn. For each experiment, we sealed ampules containing organic pollutants in snowmelt water using a propane torch. Following freezing or refrigeration, the ampules were irradiated from exposure to the 24-hour arctic sunlight on a snow bank outside BARC (Barrow Arctic Research Center) as liquid or frozen samples. Following extraction with hexane, degradation and product formation were monitored using our trusty GC (gas chromatograph).
To occupy our free time, we have enjoyed fine dining out on the town at Osaka (for sushi), Arctic Thai, and Pepe’s North of the Border (for Mexican food). We have also organized game nights (including Pictionary, card games, and Rock Band) and movie nights with some fellow arctic researchers. Some social hubs within Barrow include the AC grocery store and the roller rink (for indoor soccer games and the disco). We hosted a beachside bonfire last weekend and enjoyed s’mores and hot dogs with BASC researchers.
Be sure to check out our YouTube link for some new videos...coming soon! As we say on the BASC walkie-talkies, "over and out!"
Thursday, May 22, 2008
View From The North
Back from Blog Break
The absence of blog entries is certainly not because we've had an absence of activity - far from it. Since Dr G departed for the sultry climes of SE Pennsylvania, we have:
i) observed and participated in the landing and distributing of three separate whales
We put together a collection of hands-on science experiments for the young (and young at heart) to run for one of Barrow's "Schoolyard Saturdays" a few weeks back. Unfortunately, other local events meant that noone outside of BASC showed up. We did, however, get some inquiries from the local school district, and the result was a visit to Ipalook Elementary School to do some fun science that's (very) loosely related to the work we do in the field. If you can make the connection "we sample stuff in the air, so using air pressure to crush soda cans is related to our work", you can do anything... Our main goals were to have fun and show that science is all about guesses (I mean, hypotheses) and observations, rather than (just) labs and high-tech gadgets.

Okay, anyone still reading this must really have nothing better to do, so I'll sign off here.
Frosty - aka Dr Rowland
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The grass is always greener ... in Pennsylvania
During all that travel time, and now that I'm home, I've had a bit of time to think about Barrow and the lower 48. Here are some of my musings:
1.) Trees are great!
2.) Pollen is not so great. (note to self: stock up on Claritin and Benadryl to combat allergies)
3.) Flying into both NYC and DC, I flew right through a thick blanket of smog. Didn't notice any smog when landing in Barrow!
4.) Ahhhh, yes, that unique smell of the mulch used by Villanova's groundskeeping crew.
5.) After getting used to traveling in a Ford F250 4x4, driving my Mitsubishi Galant felt a little bit like driving a skateboard with a motor.
6.) I hate traffic.
7.) After being acclimated to 10 degree Barrow weather, the 75 degree Philly weather feels like being thrown into a scene from Dante's Inferno.
8.) Although it's a chic decorating touch, it is no longer necessary to duct tape towels to the windows to keep the sun out.
9.) Sunsets are great!
10.) Bees are great little creatures - until they bite you!
11.) It's nice to be able to dress in a single layer again.
12.) It's a weird feeling to go on a long distance trip and not need to sign out a snowmachine or make arrangements for a bear guard.
13.) Going out to eat now means I actually have to pay. (Restaurants around here just won't accept a BASC card as proper form of payment ... darn!)
14.) Gassing up the vehicle also means I actually have to pay (...and I had to do it myself!)
15.) I don't have to call to have my sewer pumped. Cool.
16.) The smell of fresh cut grass is just about the best smell in the world.
17.) I can't walk to work anymore. :(
18.) I have to cook for myself now.
19.) Real mattress > air mattress
20.) It is great to have more than 2 radio channels to choose from.
21.) TV on demand is awesome!
22.) No offense Ian and Glenn, but it's nice to have a bathroom I don't have to share!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Polar Bear Sighting!
We've been chastised for not updating the blog in several days. So, I will update you on the events of the last few days. First, a photo that I took of what is called a "sun dog". This is caused by reflections and refractions of sunlight on ice crystals present in the atmosphere. The scientific name for this phenomenon is "parhelion". There is a lot of cool physics involved in the formation of a sun dog. If you see a sun dog it means that the air has horizontal plate crystals of ice ... WOW! (Okay, if you actually said WOW to that, I encourage you to investigate further just how these parhelia and halos form ... just google "parhelia" or "sun dog").
Regardless of what causes them - it's a cool picture!
We've had reasonably good weather in terms of temperatures, however the winds have been howling considerably. This, we believe, led to the recent demise of one of our air samplers. Ian and I went to the BEO late last week for the usual maintenance routine of the sampler located out there and found it to be non-functional. The motor had shut down. Frozen up is the better phrase. Although we can't be sure, it seems that the winds were working against us and blew snow up into the motor and it froze up (even the heat tape couldn't prevent it). Luckily, Ian worked his magic and it is working again. And with only a few choice four letter words!
So then it was time for the usual maintenance of the air sampler on the roof of the lab. Wouldn't you know it, that one broke too! This, however, was due to a broken connection which Ian also was able to repair. So we're back in the air sampling business again.
Glenn has also been continuing the photochemistry experiments. The wind has been working against us there as well. We bury our samples at known depths in the snow (to see how the chemistry changes depending on where in the snowpack the chemicals are) ... but then the wind blows away the snow and exposes previously buried samples. So Glenn plays a constant game of "bury the samples again". But, we're getting good results so far ... some really interesting things going on for sure. More on that in our upcoming Nature paper. ;) (That'll be an inside joke of sorts for our fellow chemistry geeks out there).
In our spare time we've been enjoying the sights in and around Barrow ... taking occasional trips along the coast to look for polar bears, renting movies (yesterday's rental included Envy and Hellboy), eating out in town (our favorite is Osaka - a great little Japanese place), etc. We're also very grateful for the care packages we've been receiving from friends and family.
This coming week may be a bit more eventful as we are planning to do a snow sampling transect from out on the ocean (NE of Point Barrow) and continuing down to the southern portion of the BEO (Barrow Environmental Observatory). It should cover many miles and will likely take most of a day to complete. Will have to remember to pack a lunch that day ...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day
1.) Plant a tree.
This won't work, unfortunately, because trees can't grow in Barrow. The growing season is too short and the permafrost prevents the extensive root system trees need to survive.
2.) Pick up trash along the beach.
This won't work, because the beach is currently covered in a few feet of snow.
3.) Cut back the thermostat.
Are you kidding? It's freaking freezing here!
4.) Open your windows to let in the fresh air of Mother Nature.
See #3.
5.) Take the bus/subway/train to work.
Sorry, no train, subway or buses in Barrow. You could snowmachine, though! Even better - tie up a sled to pull behind it and "carpool" with your buddies hanging on for dear life in the back.
6.) Convert to solar power.
Why, that's a brilliant idea for May to August! Not such a good idea for November to March.
7.) Exercise outdoors in order to really appreciate Mother Nature.
Sure - I'll just throw on my sneakers, shorts and a tee and jog along the beach. Nothing better than a good dose of frostbite in the morning! It really wakes you up!
8.) Wait until the evening to mow the lawn, especially on "unhealthy air" days.
No problem there! No lawns to mow up here!
9.) Keep your tires properly inflated to reduce wear and increase gas mileage.
Great idea ... I'll get to that right after I fix the flat caused by this unpaved road here!
10.) Weatherize and insulate your home.
Really? I'd never have thought about that up here, where it is 30 below!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Suit Up! It'll be Legendary!
As Seen on TV
Now, if we only spoke Portuguese!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
A Taste of the Arctic
The first was muktuk (shown in photo below). This is the skin of the whale and the blubber immediately underneath. It had a distinct fishy flavor, but not too strong, and was very oily. The texture was chewy.
The second was whale tail. This is like muktuk, but specifically from the tail portion of the whale. Very similar flavor to muktuk, but a different texture ... more chewy than muktuk.
The third was whale meat. This was my personal favorite. It had a sweet, fishy taste and was very tender - almost melting in your mouth. The meat was fibrous - more so than I would have suspected (but then again, whales are mammals!). Any fans of sushi would really enjoy this, I think.
All of the whale was from a bowhead whale.
The final delicacy was caribou. You could definitely tell this was a land mammal, with a bit of a gamey flavor (but not nearly as "gamey" as I would have guessed). It too was very tender. And yes, this is raw, in case you were wondering.